Aisha el-Qaddafi is the only daughter of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi. She also once served on the defense team for Saddam Hussein. On Monday, she gave her first public interview on the state of Libya. Ms. Qaddafi considers the rebels who are leading the strike against her father “terrorists” and is livid at the members of her fathers administration who have chosen to take the rebel position. “They say to us that they have their own families, daughters, son, spouses, and they fear for them, and that is why they have taken those positions,” she said of those rebel leaders. “There are many members of the council who have worked with my father for 42 years and been loyal to him. Do you think they would just go like that?”
Ms. Qaddafi warned that Americans should be concerned about the long-term impact of their involvement in Libya. “The opposition in Iraq told the West that when you come to Iraq they will greet you with roses,” she said. “Almost 10 years later they are receiving the Americans with bullets, and, believe me, the situation in Libya will be much worse.” As for President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, she is predictably not a fan. Said Qaddafi, Obama has “achieved nothing so far” and of Clinton she asked, “Why didn’t you leave the White House when you found out about the cheating of your husband?”