
Brooklyn Moms Now Need to Get High Just to Play With Their Kids

According to the New York Post, “more and more NYC moms” — Brooklyn moms in particular — “are using pot to unwind from the parental grind.” Evidence that this is actually a growing trend, and not something that’s been going on for decades, includes:

• Three Brooklyn moms who say they smoke pot.

• The executive director of New Jersey’s branch of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws says, “A lot of moms are telling us they’re not drinking anymore — that they’re replacing it with marijuana.”

And that’s it. So, okay, evidence that this is a trend is not overwhelming. But let’s pretend for a second it is! Why are these moms using pot? To unwind at the end of the day, sure. But also, because it makes playing with your kid amazing.

That may be shocking to some people, but the reason this works so well for the moms is that sober toddlers and high adults are kindred spirits. They both crave junk food, they both take unplanned naps, and they’re both amused by cartoons, peekaboo, jingling keys, or pretty much anything.

Smokin’ pot mamas! [NYP]

Brooklyn Moms Now Need to Get High Just to Play With Their Kids