What’s that you say? You’d like to watch another YouTube video of something horrendous happening on the method of transportation you take to work every single day? Well, I think we can accommodate that! Just yesterday someone posted what appears to be a cell-phone video of a man getting pummeled by another man as the rest of the passengers on the subway car cower in a corner in fear. What makes this particular video different than, say, the one where a rat runs all over the subway car or a naked man goes on a racist tirade is that at least some of the people on the subway car have the reaction you’d hope they’d have. Generally, the response to these filmed fracases is a sort of bland disinterest. Even in the Bloody Loco video, the victim of the verbal attack is pretty blasé about the whole thing. But in this tape, at least two fellow passengers appear to physically engage with the crazy person in order to protect the person getting beat up. Sure, most of the rest of the commuters are either videotaping the event or making running, bitchy commentary. This is New York. But two Good Samaritans? That’s growth, people.
[via NYP]