On Monday, WikiLeaks-related hacker group Lulz Security, last seen punking PBS in order to (falsely) report on Tupac’s “new life in New Zealand,” hacked senate.gov, the official website of the U.S. Senate, releasing internal data. According to experts, only “basic information like user logins” escaped, but Lulz says it was just flexing its technological muscles: “We don’t like the US government very much,” the group explained, in a characteristically obnoxious statement. “Their lulz are low, and their sites aren’t secure. In an attempt to help them fix their issues, we’ve decided to donate additional lulz in the form of owning them some more, just-for-kicks.” Though the hack job could earn someone between five and twenty years in prison, it seems like politicians do more damage to themselves when left to their own devices with a Twitter page and a lively libido.
LulzSec Hacker Group Claims Attack On US Senate Website [WSJ]
LulzSec Targets U.S. Senate Web Site [PCMag]