In response to a smattering of negative headlines about Groupon’s finances at home and its ailing expansion in China, founder Andrew Mason sent a testy missive out to his staff yesterday. “The degree to which we’re getting the shit kicked out of us in the press had finally crossed the threshold from ‘annoying’ to ‘hilarious,’” he wrote. From the letter:
“What about our joint-venture with Tencent in China? Did you read the article that Gaopeng’s CEO has kidnapped the first-born children of all our employees and is putting them to work building a laser beam he’ll use to slice the moon in half? It turns out that that one isn’t true either. China is definitely a different market, but every month we inch closer to profitability.”
Mason says the plan in China was always to “hire quickly and manage out the bottom performers.” That’s sort of like cutting the moon in half, no?
Groupon’s Mason Tells Troops in Feisty Internal Memo: “It Looks Good.” [AllThingsD]
Mason says the plan in China was always to “hire quickly and manage out the bottom performers.” That’s sort of like cutting the moon in half, no?
Groupon’s Mason Tells Troops in Feisty Internal Memo: “It Looks Good.” [AllThingsD]