Warren Buffett has a reputation for a certain Midwestern approachability, despite his vast fortune. He famously lives in a modest home in Omaha. He chats warmly, if briefly, with reporters, as the Observer’s Foster Kamer learned first-hand at the Too Big To Fail premiere*. But perhaps he gets the luxury of being so nice because he pays people to be cold on his behalf. Buffett was whisked away by his chief of staff, Devon Spurgeon, before Kamer got much out of him. As a kind of consolation prize, she offered the reporter her card and told him he could call the next day. Listed under “telephone”: You don’t call me. I call you.
*This posted has been corrected to show that the encounter did not, as originally indicated, occur at Buffett’s birthday party.
The Best Business Card Ever: A Warren Buffett Story, Starring His Girl Friday, Devon Spurgeon [NYO]