Holly Van Voast, you may remember, is a lady who likes taking off her top in public, and, when arrested for said flashing, proceeded to flash the judge hearing her case. Shy lady!
Van Voast, a photographer and Bronx resident, has lately been targeting celebrities. Just this week, while sporting a fake mustache, she flashed Bill Cosby outside of Barnes and Noble. He was wearing a sweater, so really, they were both in their natural state. (The close-up of Cosby’s face is well worth checking out — something about its frozen, terrified aspect reminded Intel of that Damien Hirst shark at the Met.) Previously, Van Voast has slipped more than a little nip to both Snooki and Russell Simmons. Somehow, we don’t think either of those people would have so much as blinked.
Earlier: Nudity Proponent Flashes Breasts in Court
Bill Cosby Gets Flashed On The Streets Of New York [Gothamist]