early and awkward

Old Ex-Senator Performs Equally Old Jokes at Comedy Club

We’ll give former Pennsylvania senator Arlen Specter credit for having the balls to appear onstage at the Helium Comedy Club in Philadelphia last night. We’ll give him credit for his good comedic timing. Most of his actual jokes, though, have been floating around since Specter worked for the Warren Commission. The one about former governor Ed Rendell having sex almost every night (“I almost have sex on Monday, I almost have sex on Tuesday …”) — 0ld. The one about Chris Christie losing his entire library in a storm (“Both books —  and he wasn’t finished coloring one”) —  old. The one about the guy with no legs or arms (“How do you think I rang the doorbell?”) — old. The one about Bill Clinton complaining that Viagra, at $10 a pill, is too expensive (Hillary tells him “$40 a year isn’t so bad”) — old. Luckily for Arlen, he is adorable.

Arlen Specter Telling Old Jokes