With a comparatively healthy win in the Washington caucuses last night, Mitt Romney’s campaign is cautiously moving out of the woods and back into the “inevitable front-runner” sunshine. In his fourth straight win in a row, Romney took the Evergreen State with 37.6 percent of the vote, a thirteen-point margin over second-place Ron Paul. That’s right, Ron Paul. As in not Rick Santorum, who came in one point behind the Texas congressman, who is currently campaigning up in Alaska while the rest of the field squabbles over Ohio. While Paul and Santorum each clinched about a quarter of the vote, Gingrich fared particularly poorly, with less than 10 percent of what was a record turnout — four times the number of people who participated in 2008. Of course, yesterday’s results resolved very little since Washington’s 40 delegates weren’t actually in play and Romney failed yet again to build the kind of solid majority to ensure him an overriding victory on Super Tuesday. Which is only two days away! Political junkies of the world, freak out!