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George W. Bush Learning to Cope With Traffic Once Again

WASHINGTON - SEPTEMBER 13: Former President George W. Bush speaks at the Summit to Save Lives on September 13, 2011 in Washington, DC. The event introduced a new initiative to screen women in developing countries for cervical and breast cancer. (Photo by Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON - SEPTEMBER 13: Former President George W. Bush speaks at the Summit to Save Lives on September 13, 2011 in Washington, DC. The event introduced a new initiative to screen women in developing countries for cervical and breast cancer. (Photo by Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images) Photo: Brendan Hoffman/Getty Images

“It’s inconvenient to have to stop at some stoplights coming over here — I guess I miss that.” — Reclusive former president George W. Bush, joking about what he misses about the presidency, at a tax conference sponsored by the George W. Bush Institute at the New York Historical Society today. 

Bush Learning to Cope With Traffic Once Again