On Tuesday night, Bill Clinton hosted a London bash for his Clinton Foundation Millennium Network, whose mission is to “encourage the next generation to address global challenges.” According to a number of guests, who paid a minimum of $200 a head, it was a disaster. One miffed attendee even called it on Twitter the “WORST. PARTY. EVER.” The Telegraph reports:
A source told The Daily Telegraph: “We arrived, there was perspiration dripping off the walls and the place absolutely stank. It was like walking into a cave.
“We left at 9.15pm with a number of other people as the place was too crowded, too unpleasant and nothing had happened …
Marie Phillips, author of Gods Behaving Badly, said she had she had spent one and a half hour waiting outside with around 300 other people, and had missed most of the evening’s speeches.
Too crowded, you say? Uncomfortably hot? Well guess what: This is precisely the type of dystopian future we face due to overpopulation and climate change — unless, that is, you, the next generation, figure out a way to stop it. Only now can you truly understand the global challenges we’re up against. You’ve just been Clinton Foundation’d.