Earlier this week, the New York Times reported that Esquire will begin publishing e-books of “Fiction for Men,” a category that’s provoked a fair amount of Internet discussion about What It All Means (though, it should be noted, this is not the first time Esquire has drawn those lines). According to the magazine’s editor, David Granger, men’s fiction is “plot-driven and exciting, where one thing happens after another. And also at the same time, dealing with passages in a man’s life that seem common.” We have never read before fiction wherein one thing happens after another and common human experiences are plumbed for insight and truth, so we here at Daily Intel were excited enough to do a little sleuthing. The first three works of lad lit set to publish, per the Times, are from relative unknowns Aaron Gwyn, Luis Alberto Urrea, and Jess Walter, but we got our hands on the next batch of men’s fiction, some of it also from newcomers to the literary world.
The Unbearable Lightness of Being Ab-tastic by Dave Zinczenko
The 1986 World Champion Red Sox by Bill Simmons
The Lives of Girls and Women by Katie Roiphe
The Most Interesting Man in the World by The Most Interesting Man in the World
Wanna Fight? by the Ghost of Norman Mailer
Wanna Twitter-Fight? by Alec Baldwin
The Old Man and the Semen by Tucker Max
In His Shoes by Jennifer Weiner
Good in Bed by Chris Jones
Fear and Loathing in the Board Room by Jamie Dimon
Dreams From My Penis by Jonathan Ames
A Man’s Man Mans-Up by David Granger
High Nooner by the Marlboro Man
50 Suits of Grey by E.L. James
The Art of Bobbleheading by Mr. Met