If you are a junior member of the Deutsche Bank workforce and you got called into the office last Saturday, you may have noticed some half-naked twentysomethings on your way in.
That’s because a bikini beach party was breaking out in the lobby of the bank’s 60 Wall Street headquarters.
The party wasn’t sponsored or even approved by Deutsche Bank, of course. The bank’s lobby is a so-called “privately owned public space,” so — like Zuccotti Park — it is often used for demonstrations and gatherings. This particular gathering was organized by MOB, a “recently released geolocation iPhone app designed to help people create and discover local events,” in conjunction with a marketing group called Creative Disruptions.
But, but, what did the “Big Bank Bikini Party” mean?
I am unclear, though I did get a press release that implied that the event was a kind of vague political demonstration, and quoted one participant who said it was “a totally surreal experience to walk into that bank plaza with my swim trunks on.” So that’s something!