In an op-ed in today’s Washington Post, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul relived his 13-hour filibuster of John Brennan’s nomination as CIA director. In addition to promising America that he’s not done opposing the Obama administration’s drone program, Paul took some time to name-drop the many congressional colleagues who helped him speak through an entire day without a bathroom break:
The Advance Team: Tea Party Senators Mike Lee of Utah and Ted Cruz of Texas, who showed up nearly three hours into Paul’s filibuster to help him hold the floor. “Their presence gave me strength and inspiration,” Paul writes.
The Token Aisle Crosser: Democratic Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon “explained how we have worked together to demand more information from the White House about the rules for drone strikes,” though he also promised to support Brennan’s nomination when the time came.
The Water Tea Boy: Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois, who recently recovered from a stroke, brought Paul “an apple and a thermos full of tea — the same sustenance Jimmy Stewart brought to the Senate floor in the movie Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. That was a moment I will never forget.”
The Twitter Reader: Newly elected Senator Ted Cruz of Texas “really lifted [Paul’s] spirits” when he showed up on the Senate floor to read responses from the #StandWithRand Twitter hashtag.
The House Auxiliary Pit Crew: Representatives Thomas Massie and Garland Barr of Kentucky, Louie Gohmert and Michael Burgess of Texas, Paul Gosar and David Schweikert of Arizona, Justin Amash and Bill Huizenga of Michigan, Ron DeSantis and Trey Radel of Florida, Doug LaMalfa of California, Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma, Raul R. Labrador of Idaho, Keith Rothfus of Pennsylvania, Steve Daines of Montana, and Richard Hudson of North Carolina hung around the back of the Senate chamber to “show their support.”
The ‘Borrow My Boots’ Guy: Republican Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas “stayed for five hours, [and] offered me his boots when I complained that I had not worn my most comfortable shoes.”