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James Clapper Is Taking This NSA Business Very Seriously

US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testifies before the House Select Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on April 11, 2013. Clapper told Congress that cyberattacks and cyberspying are the leading threats to US security.
US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper testifies before the House Select Intelligence Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, on April 11, 2013. Clapper told Congress that cyberattacks and cyberspying are the leading threats to US security. Photo: SAUL LOEB/AFP/Getty Images

Some of you expressed surprise that I showed up. So many e-mails to read!” —Director of National Intelligence James Clapper cracking  jokes “at a black-tie banquet on Friday night,” according to the Washington Post

James Clapper Is Taking This Very Seriously