Everyone knows the High Line is a fine place to enjoy a relaxing weekend stroll or foreboding sexual banter with a future lover, but the New York Times reports that the park has another hidden function: allowing people to transport themselves from one point to another. Commuters are flocking to the High Line not for the foliage or elevated views, but the lack of traffic lights and the freedom to zone out to music without being mowed down by a truck.
The Times offers these helpful tips:
For the most efficient travelers, a certain code seems to have developed: If possible, keep a safe distance from anyone holding a camera or a map. Plants are to be admired only in passing; the return trip, in the evening rush, is for smelling. The High Line is too crowded for proper speed-walking at those hours, anyway.
Aside from a slightly shorter walk to work, there’s another perk: Once commuters have mastered the art of weaving between tourists, navigating the complex world of salads for lunch should be a snap.