A 3-year-old attendee of Harlem’s Early Life School is not the city’s tiniest drug dealer — she just knows some irresponsible adults. The little girl was discovered to be carrying fourteen freezer- and sandwich-sized bags of weed in her Minnie Mouse backpack on Friday after a teacher noticed the smell and called the cops, the New York Daily News reports. After some questioning, the child was released to her parents, and a 24-year-old friend of her father was arrested for possessing and selling marijuana. “My nephew goes here, my daughter goes to school around the corner — that’s just crazy,” said one upset neighborhood parent. “Where did they get it from? How did they get out of the house with it?” Well, according to what the police told ABC News, the grown-up “put the drugs in the backpack the night before and forgot about it.” It’s not a clever hiding place if you’re not going to remember to move the stash in the morning.