Twitter’s IPO is coming up, which can only mean one thing: a parade of Wall Street investment bankers prostrating themselves before Silicon Valley executives, hoping to curry favor and cash in on the company’s big debut.
Today marked the start of the Twitter road show, and right on cue, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley, two banks helping out with the offering (Goldman Sachs is the lead bookrunner, natch), were there to embarrass themselves in the form of executive Lululemon jackets, thematic music, and displays of affection on giant electronic billboards.
CNBC’s Kayla Tausche reports on the antics at JPMorgan Chase:
The bank also tried to prove its social-media bona fides (hashtags!) on its corporate account:
And across town at Morgan Stanley, the begging was just as frantic:
Meanwhile, over at 200 West Street, Goldman — which is already guaranteed millions of dollars in fees as Twitter’s lead-left underwriter — had nothing on its Twitter account about the upcoming IPO. Instead, yesterday, the bank erected this mike drop of a lobby tower, which contains a subtle reminder that it’s got this one all sewn up:
Well played, Lloyd.