A couple weeks ago, Christmas defender Sarah Palin compared the federal debt to slavery, saying, “This isn’t racist, but it’ll be like slavery when that note is due. We are going to beholden to the foreign master.” MSNBC host Martin Bashir responded to that observation by telling a disgusting story about an actual slave-owner who punished a slave by having another man “s-h-i-t in his mouth,” and suggested that Palin would be an “outstanding candidate” for such discipline. He was, of course, forced to apologize, and today Palin accepted his apology on Fox News Sunday while standing by the inane analogy that prompted the whole tasteless incident.
“The definition of slavery is to be beholden to a master, and we will be beholden when that note is due,” she insisted. “When we have taken from our children and grandchildren and borrowed from China and other foreign countries in order to pay for our wants today,” she said. As for Bashir’s remark, she said, “In a case like this, I don’t have to accept his words, his vile, evil comments. They don’t have to affect me. I move on, and I charge forth.” She then offered this advice to other members of the media who “want to say such a thing” and then call her to apologize: “I’d like them to go through Todd first or one of my children first. Leave a message with them. Hear what they have to say about it.” Most people probably wouldn’t want their kids to hear that kind of potty talk, but obviously the Palins do everything a little differently.