stand clear of the closing doors

MTA Still Raising Fares, Just Not by As Much

Bottom line: Riding the subway or bus is still going to cost more soon. However! Planned hikes of 7.5 percent in both 2015 and 2017 have been cut to just 4 percent, officials announced at a board meeting today. A report from the city comptroller in September found a surprise $1.9 billion budget surplus and suggested “reexamining the scheduled increases in fares.” Demonstrating atypical concern for customer feelings, the MTA somehow agreed. So far, so good for Bill de Blasio’s New York. (And Joe Lhota scowls again.)

Meanwhile, in Russian, riders can now do 30 squats for a free subway ticket to promote the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. We’ll take the fare hike.

Subway Fire Hike Cut for 2015, 2017