Joe Scarborough is no David Brooks. While the New York Times columnist comes out in his column today as a reformed stoner, and thus anti-legalization because it makes you lazy, man, Scarborough says he’s never even touched the stuff, because it makes you dumb, man. “I don’t get it, man,” said the MSNBC host this morning. “Never smoked it because everyone that ever did just looked dumb as hell.” Wouldn’t want to look dumb in public!
“I’m challenged enough as it is — why do I wanna get a hammer and hit myself in the head and, like, make my odds for success even longer?” Scarborough added, in a showing of self-awareness and deprecation that almost makes up for his comically oversimplified argument.
The entire segment, though, is worth watching for the awkward silence among men paid to talk for a living — even when they have no idea what they’re talking about — when Mark Halperin asks, “Does drinking make you dumb?”