Seth Rogen was both in and out of character today on Capitol Hill. The actor appeared at a Senate hearing on Alzheimer’s to speak about the struggles of his mother-in-law, but he opened with some levity. “Thank you for the opportunity to testify today and for the opportunity to be called an expert in something, because that’s cool,” said Rogen. “I don’t know if you know who I am, chairman. I know you never saw Knocked Up, which is a little insulting.”
“I will wager, this is the first time in any congressional hearing in history that the words ‘knocked up’ have ever been spoken,” said Senator Tom Harkin. (Nope.)
“Yes, I’m aware that this has nothing to do with the legalization of marijuana,” Rogen continued.
“I came here today for few reasons,” he said. “One, I’m a huge House of Cards fan. Had to be here.” Then he got to the serious stuff and it was legitimately touching. “Americans whisper the words Alzehimer’s,” Rogen said. “It’s needs to be yelled and screamed.”
Alas, the actor ended up disenchanted with the bureaucratic process, but not afraid to say so: