Who needs Sochi? Yesterday’s snowstorm, which wasn’t so much an isolated weather event as our new way of life, brought with it the requisite frozen water to make skiing in the streets seem practical. New York City’s version of the Winter Olympics is a bit sad and disheveled — gray slush doesn’t play too well in photos — but urban sporting is more proactive, and therefore impressive, than sitting in one’s pajamas having an internal debate about the morality of ordering Seamless. We commend the winter warriors.
The gold medal goes to filmmaker Casey Neistat — check out his previous shorts on bike lanes, texting while walking, and Citi Bike — who used a Jeep to tow himself through the streets and didn’t even get arrested. He almost makes being outside look fun:
The silver is for skipping the sidewalk and hitting the asphalt:
And the bronze for the woman taking on Washington Square Park and managing to look badass:
Arianna Huffington did not medal, but she took a good photo:
And the honorable mentions:
Next up: Luge.