On Tuesday, a Florida prosecutor and the Department of Justice ruled that when an FBI agent killed Ibragim Todashev, a friend of Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, he was acting in self-defense. One report included a photo of the murder confession Todashev was said to be writing at the time, with the words blacked out. Boston magazine has a photo of what appears to be an unredacted version, in which Todashev begins describing a robbery he committed with Tsarnaev, without saying how it turned into a murder.
According to Boston magazine’s interpretation, he writes:
My name is IBRAGIM TODASHEV I wanna tell the story about the robbery me and Tam did in Waltham in September of 2011. That was [?] by Tamerlan. [?] he [?] to me to rob the drug dealers. We went to their house we got in there and Tam had a gun he pointed it [?] the guy that opened the door for us [?] we went upstairs into the house [?] 3 guys in there [?] we put them on the ground and then we [?] taped their hands up
Todashev was reportedly asked to write his confession after admitting that he and Tsarnaev were involved in a 2011 murder in Waltham, Massachusetts, in which three men were found with their throats cut and their bodies sprinkled with marijuana. Waltham police say the investigation remains “open and active.”