A few months ago, Chris Christie was crying and losing sleep over Bridgegate, but it looks like he’s finally learned to cope. Just a few days after he joked about the scandal on The Tonight Show, the New Jersey governor painted the incident as a media conspiracy while speaking at Mitt Romney’s political retreat in Utah this weekend. According to the Los Angeles Times, Christie told 300 Republican donors that his opponents were just trying to prevent him from getting any “more altitude” after he won reelection with 61 percent of the vote. He went on to insist that he now knows the facts, and there won’t be any more shocking revelations. “Don’t be so nervous,” he told the crowd. “I’m not that worried about it. I hope none of you are worried about it, though I expect some of you are … But you’ll get over it. It will be fine.” The event was closed to the media, so Christie probably didn’t realize his comments would be made public. Mitt “47 percent” Romney really should have warned him about that.