We know Chris Christie is adept at dodging questions, as it took him nearly three weeks to confirm that he supports the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby decision (and even then, he only gave a two word response). Yet when asked an awkward question about campaigning for Rob Astorino, the Republican challenging New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in the fall, he bluntly explained that the candidate is on his own. “I will spend time in places where we have a chance to win, I said that right from the beginning,” declared the New Jersey governor, who was campaigning in Connecticut on Monday as head of the Republican Governors Association. “We don’t pay for landslides and we don’t invest in lost causes,” Christie added, alluding to Cuomo’s roughly 40-point lead over Astorino. “If the New York race becomes competitive, I’ll consider campaigning in the New York race, but right now, by the public polls, there’s a lot more competitive races like this one in Connecticut.” The dirt Christie and Cuomo have on each other must really be something.