ink-stained wretches

Report: Meet the Press Will Dump David Gregory After the Midterms

WASHINGTON - DECEMBER 7: (AFP OUT) David Gregory listens during a taping of
Photo: Alex Wong/Getty Images

Here’s the latest gossip from the surprisingly catty world of Sunday morning talk shows: According to “Page Six,” Meet the Press plans to replace host David Gregory soon after the midterms, as viewership has dropped 43 percent since he took the job. “The discussion is whether to make a change before or after the midterm elections,” said an NBC source. “Just after the midterms would give the new moderator time to settle in.” An NBC spokesperson responded, “We heard the same false rumors and suggest you take them with a grain of salt, as we did.” That’s probably good advice, as the item also mentions Joe Scarborough as a potential successor. Meet the Press would have a lot of fun doing that psychological evaluation.

Report: Meet the Press Is Ditching David Gregory