Some of New York’s finest are under fire for posting photos of themselves on social media — and the sexy images aren’t the issue. Sources tell the New York Daily News that officials are concerned that the women shared photos of themselves in uniform, in apparent violation of NYPD rules, alongside alluring snapshots on Instagram accounts like blueline_beauties. The officers in the photos stand to lose about ten days vacation time, though punishment for such infractions can include termination.
According to the Daily News, officers are generally not supposed to share images of themselves in uniform unless they’re at an official function. A 2013 NYPD order on social-media use tells officers to “exercise good judgment” and demonstrate “professionalism” online, just like they do on the job. “Members of the service should be aware that activities on personal social media sites may be used against them to undermine their credibility as members of the department,” it reads.
Just last week, New York’s Bravest decided that they rightly didn’t care about a rookie firefighter’s gay-for-pay porn past. (Granted, he wasn’t wearing his FDNY gear in the videos.) And, of course, this being the age of the internet, it’s worth pointing out that male cops are also strutting their stuff for blueline_beefcakes. No word on whether shirtless six-packs are as offensive as a tad of cleavage.