With all the, uh … excitement surrounding the possibility of Mitt Romney challenging Jeb Bush for the 2016 Republican nomination, we almost forgot that Chris Christie is still threatening to launch his own presidential campaign. Christie’s Tuesday State of the State address certainly appeared to be intended for an audience beyond New Jersey — and that’s not just because he barred the local media from his pre-speech meeting with national reporters.
“America’s leadership in the world is called into question because of a pattern of indecision and inconsistency. During this time of uncertainty it seems our leaders in Washington would rather stoke division for their own political gain,” said Christie during the 43-minute talk, which included several references to the 150 days he spent traveling outside of New Jersey this year. “We need to renew the spirit and the hopes of our state, our country and our people. We need a New Jersey renewal and an American renewal.”
Christie also had plenty to say about what’s been going on in New Jersey, highlighting his vetoing of several proposed tax increases, his effort to reform the state pension system, and a decrease in unemployment. Unsurprisingly, there were no references to the issue that haunted his last State of the State — Bridgegate — but the GOP’s anti-Christie folks will have plenty to say about it if and when he officially announces his interest in higher office.