Robert Durst, the creepy-as-hell real-estate scion who recently pleaded not guilty to a Louisiana gun charge and is wanted for questioning in the murder of his friend Susan Berman, took time out of his busy prison schedule to write a letter to L.A. Times Houston bureau chief Molly Hennessy-Fiske. What a mensch.
According to the L.A. Times, they received the letter on Wednesday after a reporter mailed him an inquiry in late March. Though the Times hasn’t verified that Durst wrote it, it was delivered bearing his name and the address of the correctional facility where he’s currently being held.
The letter purposefully steers clear of discussing “charges, crimes or trials,” but instead includes discussion of Durst’s interests (opera and pro football) and reminiscences of his time spent living in L.A.(“I loved watching the traffic come up La Cienega and mush into Santa Monica, hated L.A. traffic which makes Houston seem like a small town.”).
Durst closes the letter saying that the Times may publish its contents, but to politely CC him if they do. Such flawless manners for a suspected serial killer.