George Pataki finally decided to run for president today. The road to his announcement is paved with more than a decade’s worth of “will-he-won’t-he” coverage so sad and minutely detailed it calls to mind what George Michael Bluth’s biography would look like if transcribed by Karl Ove Knausgaard. Since he has been but a footnote to the past few presidential contests — including this one, probably — it’s easy to forget how long we have been not waiting for this moment.
Below, find a brief history of the near Sisyphean road to George Pataki’s presidential bid, as summarized by headlines.
November 13, 1996: Stop Acting Presidential
November 15, 1998: Pataki May Have to Rethink His Political Goals
November 8, 2003: Pataki Dismisses Talk About 2008 Run
July 19, 2004: Could He Actually Be Thinking about Running for President?
March 1, 2005: Dems Howl Over Laughingstock Monkey Pataki
June 12, 2006: Can Pataki Fail Upward?
July 18, 2005: Pataki Goes From Hand to Hand in Iowa, Checking the 2008 Pulse
July 12, 2006: McCain Slams ‘Prez’ Pataki
August 14, 2006: As Pataki Turns: Could This Be It for George?
January 31, 2007: Pataki Isn’t Ready to Join the Race
September 3, 2008: Pataki: I’m Back!
May 10, 2010: George Pataki Can’t Even Count on New York for Presidential Bid
November 9, 2010: Former NY Gov. George Pataki pokes fun at Sarah Palin, hints at possible run for White House in 2012
April 21, 2011: George Pataki 99.9 Percent Not Running for President
May 24, 2011: Pataki, in NH, Says He’ll Decide Within Weeks Whether He’s in the Race
August 22, 2011: Completely Illogical George Pataki Run Could Actually Happen Soon
August 26, 2011: George Pataki Succumbs to Reality
September 29, 2014: George Pataki Flirts Again With a Presidential Bid
December, 1, 2014: Former NY Gov. George Pataki again exploring long-shot bid for presidency
February 20, 2015: Does George Pataki Seriously Think He Can Be President?
May 15, 2015: Let George Do It
May 28, 2015: Heard of George Pataki? Every four years he thinks about running for president.
May 28, 2015: George Pataki, Currently Polling at ’—,’ Is Running for President
May 28, 2015: Former NY Gov. George Pataki’s presidential bid viewed as longshot, even in Syracuse