The first week of June is over, and now we can hopefully say good-bye to this unseasonably chilly and miserable weather. There’s no looking back now, folks. It’s the freakin’ weekend, baby, so let’s celebrate with these eight actually good things that happened this week.
1. Three falcon families had babies atop three of New York’s bridges. The baby falcons have made themselves at home on the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, Marine Parkway Bridge, and the Throgs Neck Bridge, and the Port Authority has shared some adorable video of their first few days as New Yorkers.
2. Manhattan neighbors planned a parade for a 4-year-old girl who was told she can’t be Spider-Man because she’s a girl. The Uptown Superheroes Parade will take place this Saturday, and locals arranged it after they heard some pre-K boys had told Ellie Evangelista she had to be a boy to play Spider-Man. “I’m hoping that she can remember this experience and feel more comfortable with being who she is, in terms of what she likes and what her preferences are,” Ellie’s mom told DNAinfo.
3. The job market continues to recover. The U.S. economy added 280,000 jobs in May, 55,000 more than predicted. The Times also notes that the ratio of adults with a job rose from 59.3 percent to 59.4 percent, officially making May’s report “good news.”
4. We discovered the adorable Roux, who’s part bunny and part kangaroo. The New Orleans cat was born without front legs, but that doesn’t stop her from doing everything a four-legged cat does.
5. The White House let New Hampshire fourth graders name the hawk that’s taken to living on its grounds. The move was a consolation prize to the elementary schoolers, whose dreams were crushed in March when the state legislature cruelly shot down their resolution to name the red tail hawk the state raptor. They named the White House hawk “Lincoln.”
6. Sepp Blatter resigned. The notoriously corrupt Swiss football administrator resigned his role as the president of FIFA, making room for a less scandalous FIFA future.
7. An FDA panel voted in favor of “female Viagra.” That’s one step closer to a medicinal treatment for female sexual dysfunction. A second review of the drug, called flibanserin, is scheduled for August.
8. Dogs with square haircuts. DOGS WITH SQUARE HAIRCUTS.