The eternal debate about Facebook friends (“friends?”) whose political views differ from your own goes something like this: Life is hard enough without the possibility of walking into a trigger for sadness, hopelessness, and rage on your own Facebook news feed. On the other hand, don’t you have a responsibility to engage with opposing views and treat them seriously, thereby testing and improving your own beliefs?” But the 2016 presidential race has given us a third hand: “Donald Trump exists.”
Trump, America’s most beloved novelty hot-air balloon, currently leads the race for the Republican presidential nomination, but his recent blanket statement on Muslim immigration was the tipping point for many people who previously either treated Trump as an amusing sideshow or tried to understand where he was coming from. But to truly cut off Trump means cutting off our friends who support him, and that’s where Friends Who Like Trump comes in.
It’s a site that redirects you to a Facebook search for all your friends who “like” the Donald on Facebook. Some of them may have been actively cheering Trump on in posts you muted or scrolled past; others may surprise you with their quiet support for the loud — very loud — billionaire.
Unfriend them all, if you feel called to do so. Or don’t. That decision is between you and your god (Facebook Inc., Menlo, California, Mark Zuckerberg, chairman).