A few times a year, the gods of Apple descend from their temple at One Infinite Loop, Cupertino, California, and declare a season of joyous holiday among gadget bloggers around the world. This holiday is known as New Apple Product Season, and the day it begins is Apple Event Invitation Day.
Today, my friends, is that day.
On March 21, Apple will bestow upon us a new product — rumored to be an iPhone called iPhone SE, with a smaller body close to the size of the iPhone 5S, but with the speed and features of the newer iPhone 6S. Oh, happy day!
It’s finally here. After months of waiting, the Apple event is actually happening. What event? Oh, you know, just the big one. Apple. Event. Tech. Slides. Graph. Keynote. Announce. It’s all happening on the big stage.
Tim Cook’ll be there, leading the circus in a rousing techapalooza. “Small iPhone. Big iPad. Apps. New … chips,” he’ll say with a wry smirk. “Siri.”
Sounds amazing, right? So when’s all this going down? I’m glad you asked. It’s very difficult to find information on when Apple’s next keynote is. Apple is very secretive about invites. Luckily, we managed to dig up a few articles.
“Apple Is Making a Big Announcement This Month,” Time
“Apple Sends Invites for ‘Let Us Loop You In’ Media Event on March 21,” MacRumors
“Apple schedules a March 21st event to ’loop us in,’” Engadget
“Apple’s Next Event Is March 21,” Gizmodo
“Apple Confirms March 21 iPhone/iPad Event,” BuzzFeed
“Apple sends out invites for March 21 event, likely for new iPad and smaller iPhone,” TechCrunch
“Apple announces iPhone and iPad event for March 21st: ‘Let us loop you in,’” the Verge
“Apple sends out invitations for a new iPhone event on March 21,” Tech Insider
“Apple invites media to March 21 product event,” Mashable
“Apple sends invites for March 21 event with clue ‘let us loop you in,’” CNET
“Apple Event official: iPhone SE, iPad Pro 9.7 expected,” SlashGear
“Apple Confirms Its ‘Let Us Loop You In’ March 21 Event,” Fortune
“Apple confirms March 21 event, new iPhone and iPad expected,” VentureBeat
“Apple Sends Out Invites For Big March 21 Event,” TheStreet
“Apple’s next iPhone launch will happen March 21,” Business Insider
So, there you have it. Apple’s next event is then.
But at what time?