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Japanese Wrestler Doing Victory Laps With Coach on Her Shoulders Takes ‘Carrying the Team on Your Back’ Very Literally

Photo: Lars Baron/Getty Images

In case winning a gold medal in women’s wrestling wasn’t enough to let the world know how strong she is, Japan’s Eri Tosaka decided to finish her winning evening with another feat of strength. The 49-kilogram freestyle wrestler celebrated her gold on Wednesday night by running over to her coach, tucking her head between his legs, and picking him up for a quick lap around the mat.

While I’ve struggled more to lift a particularly full Brita pitcher from my refrigerator, Tosaka raises her coach without so much as a flinch. (I particularly like the part where Tosaka gestures upward toward her coach before she puts him on her back, like this is just some casual thing they practiced when she was done with holds and pins on some random training day.) The lap is perfected by Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” playing in the background.

Excuse me, I’m going to go do some squats now.

Wrestler Puts Coach on Her Shoulders for Victory Lap