On Friday, Bernie Sanders promised that, even if Donald Trump is elected this November, he will still do everything in his power to get out of bed the next morning.
Asked by CNN’s Chris Cuomo what he would do the day after a hypothetical Trump victory, Sanders replied, “Uh … try to overcome my depression and then figure out where we go from there.”
But Sanders will first try to keep that dark day from ever dawning, by campaigning for Hillary Clinton in Ohio next week. At present, the Democratic nominee is struggling to win over the septuagenarian senator’s strongest demographic: Recent polls have shown more than 30 percent of millennial voters defecting to third-party candidates.
In a separate interview on Friday morning, Sanders implored such voters to “think hard” before casting a “protest” ballot.
“Think about what the country looks like and think about whether you’re comfortable with four years of a Trump presidency,” Sanders said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. “And I would suggest to those people: Let us elect Hillary Clinton as president. And the day after, let us mobilize millions of people around the progressive agenda, which, by the way, as you know, was passed in the Democratic platform.”
Asked by MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough for his insights into the younger generation’s aversion to Clinton, Sanders professed ignorance. But he argued that all voters would rally to Clinton’s side, if she could just force them to focus on the issues.
“This is what I know. In politics too much we look at personality. We like you, we don’t like you. I think we’ve got to back away from that and say, we’re not looking at Trump or Clinton. We’re looking at the needs of the American people,” Sanders said. “So I would just simply say to the millennials, to anybody else: look at the issues. Don’t get hung up on Trump’s kids and whatever, the story of the birther issue. Stay focused on the issue of relevance to your life. I think Clinton is far and away the superior candidate.”
Do not go gentle into that good night: Rage, rage against reductions in the top marginal tax rate.