Donald Trump seems to have spent all his best “debate guests so inappropriate, they’ll throw Hillary off her game” last time round. After bringing a group of Bill Clinton’s accusers to the town hall in St. Louis, the Republican nominee has invited Barack Obama’s half-brother Malik to Wednesday night’s contest in Las Vegas.
Why Hillary Clinton would be fazed by the presence of the estranged blood relation of her former colleague is unclear. By contrast, it’s easy to see how accepting Malik Obama’s endorsement could throw the Trump campaign off-message. Per Mediaite:
In 2014, the Israeli press reported on the fact that Malik Obama was photographed wearing a red and white keffiyeh, which typically signifies support for Hamas rather than the more moderate Fatah. Emblazoned on the scarf were the slogans “Jerusalem is ours, we are coming,” and “From the river to the sea.” Both are popular chants used by the terrorist group.
Malik is also a polygamist who runs a charity that has been accused of fraud. It seems doubtful that Trump wants to direct the media’s attention to sexual and philanthropic ethics.
Nonetheless, Trump campaign manager Steve Bannon promises that Malik is only an “appetizer.”