On Sunday night, Scottie Nell Hughes went on CNN on behalf of the Trump campaign to speak out against Jay Z and Beyoncé’s recent, pantsuit-filled endorsement of Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump called the event “cheating” and called out Jay Z’s use of lewd language. This was a sentiment Hughes echoed during her CNN spot, referencing “multiple uses of the MF-word and the N-word” as well as labeling the “No Church in the Wild” music video “anti-police.”
According to Hughes, that video opens with a crowd of people throwing “mazel tov cocktails” at the police. Which is, um, well, almost right. Thank you, Don Lemon, for pointing out she meant to say “Molotov cocktail.” To which Hughes replied that the gaffe was just her “Jewish side” coming out. (Earlier in the interview, Hughes introduced herself as an “evangelical Christian.”)
Mazel tov cocktails: coming soon to a chalkboard sign in front of a dive bar near you.