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One Texas Town Is Producing a Lot of Wackos on Election Day

Photo: AndrewKragie/Twitter

The fiercely independent state of Texas is home to some people who are very, um, passionate about the democratic process. As spotted by the Houston Chronicle’s Andrew Kragie on Twitter, a polling place in Spring, Texas, boasted two protesters with two very different tactics.

First, there was this guy, with a charming “FAGGOTS VOTE DEM” sign and a gun. Kragie reports he was questioned and released by the police without any charges.

But “FAGGOTS VOTE DEM” is a mere amateur compared to this gent — hanging out at the same polling place — in a Donald Trump mask and Kiss costume (more specifically, that’s the getup of Gene Simmons, or “The Demon”), complete with hat and corn-silk hair.


One Texas Town Is Producing a Lot of Wackos on Election Day