A Congressman Has Accused Both Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump of Working for the Kremlin

California Rep. Adam Schiff, the leading Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, has not been shy about calling out Russia for its alleged attempts to influence U.S. elections through hacking. Nor has he shied away from criticizing Donald Trump for continuing to question whether the DNC hack was Russian-led, as multiple intelligence agencies have determined. On MSNBC today, he said Trump’s denials make him a “propaganda piece for the Kremlin.”

It’s not the first time he’s used that line of attack, nor is Trump the first person to find himself on the business end of it. On Wednesday, Schiff appeared on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show to talk about this very issue. Like Trump, Carlson has questions about whether Russia’s role in the hacking has been proven. Noting the intelligence community was also certain about the WMDs in Iraq, he describes himself as “skeptical” of Schiff’s willingness to blame Vladimir Putin for the hack of John Podesta’s Gmail account. The interview reached a crescendo when Schiff accused the Fox host of being a Russian agent — “You’re carrying water for the Kremlin!” — and Carlson repeatedly dared Schiff to look into the camera and say, without equivocation, that he knew Russia was responsible for hacking John Podesta’s emails.

The whole exchange is entertaining, but the video starts with the good stuff. 

Congressman Accused Tucker Carlson of Working for Putin