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University Sends Snapchat Messages to Tell Kids They’ve Been Accepted

In an attempt to be hip to the times, the admissions office at the University of Wisconsin–Green Bay is doing something different this year to let accepted students know they’re in. This year, in addition to the traditional “big envelope” accepted students receive in the mail, they will also receive a Snapchat congratulating them on their acceptance.

“They would definitely get a snap before they’d get their mail packet,” UWGB admissions employee Katelyn Santy told CNN. “Students get the snaps pretty immediately, because it’s a place where they spend a lot of time.” After receiving the message, students often respond back to the school with a selfie.

The big question here is how the university is collecting students’ Snapchat handles in the application process. Welcome to 2016, prospective students. We’ll need your GPA, SAT scores, all social-media handles, and your favorite dank meme to consider your application.

University Sends Snapchat Messages to Tell Kids They’re In