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The Worst Part of Blowing the Whistle on Cambridge Analytica: You Can’t Get on Tinder Anymore

Christopher Wylie says he was kicked off Facebook for whistle-blowing. Photo: Matt Dunham/AP/REX/Shutterstock

Last Friday, Facebook released an announcement that it had suspended Strategic Communication Laboratories and its data lab, Cambridge Analytica, for illegally obtaining and retaining user data. The story’s, let’s say, inconvenient release time was spurred by whistle-blower and former Cambridge Analytica employee Christopher Wylie. While at C.A., Wylie claims he was tasked with compiling psychological profiles of voters using Facebook data, claims that he told the New York Times and the London Observer. Which is why Facebook frantically put out a press release late, on the East Coast, Friday.

Over the weekend, Wylie tweeted a screenshot of his Facebook account saying he’d been suspended from the platform “for blowing the whistle on something they have known privately for 2 years.” Which means, because the two apps are linked, he’s also suspended from Tinder. Wylie mentioned this, in slightly more colorful language — “I’ve been deleted by fucking Facebook” — during a discussion at the Frontline Club on Tuesday.

Perhaps it’s time to apply to join the League, Chris.

Cambridge Analytica Whistle-blower Kicked Off Tinder Too