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2020 Election

  1. 2020 election
    Kanye West and the Media Are Once Again Playing a Dangerous GameThere needs to be a reckoning about the toxic relationship between Kanye West and the vox populi.
  2. encounter
    Super Tuesday With Steve Kornacki, MSNBC’s Wonk Superman“He has not stopped. He has not eaten. He’s only been drinking water for the past 18 hours.”
  3. the body politic
    The Third Rail of Calling ‘Sexism’Warren tried not to talk about it.
  4. politics
    Marianne Williamson Has Mindfully Dropped OutThe self-described “bitch for God” and vanquisher of dark psychic forces has ended her presidential campaign.
  5. voter suppresion
    The Era of the Voter Purge in Georgia ContinuesOver 313,000 Georgia voters are set to be purged from the rolls in December.
  6. vision 2020
    What Do Trump’s Reelection Chances Look Like Right Now?Intelligencer staffers discuss the president’s position as the Democratic primary continues to take shape.
  7. mitch mcconnell
    Mitch McConnell’s New Campaign Ad Is Brazenly Anti-DemocracyThe McConnell campaign’s first campaign ad is about insisting that his various subversions of democracy are instances of “letting the people decide.”
  8. politics
    100-Person Poll: How Will the Trump Presidency End?We asked 100 New Yorkers (plus 14 pundits, journalists, academics, and activists) how they see the Trump administration ending.
  9. state of the union address
    Here’s a Real Bipartisan Idea: Make Trump Leave If He Loses in 2020Since Republicans are so excited about comity, they should agree to eject Trump from the White House if he loses in 2020 but claims “voter fraud.”
  10. the national interest
    Political Moderation Needs to Be Saved From the Madness of Howard SchultzAn egomaniacal billionaire is the opposite of everything good about moderate thinking.
  11. 2020 election
    Elizabeth Warren Takes a Big Step Toward 2020 Presidential BidShe has established a presidential exploratory committee.
  12. 2020 election
    When Barack Met BetoThe flirtation of ObamaWorld with Beto O’Rourke’s presidential ambitions is worth its weight in gold to the Texan.
  13. Will Trump Dump Sycophant-in-Chief Mike Pence?Some advisers want Trump to find a replacement veep who could appeal to women in 2020. But the Christian right would be unhappy about losing Pence.
  14. 2018 midterms
    2018 Turnout Was the Highest of Any Midterm in More Than a CenturyLooks like a combative political culture, a lot of close races, and Donald J. Trump get voters out to participate.
  15. past is prologue
    1982’s Democratic Wins Were Similar to 2018’s. Then Came Reagan’s Landslide.After a battle to rein in the “Reagan Revolution,” the Democratic Party made House gains in the midterms. Today’s Democrats won’t like what came next.
  16. 2020 election
    No, Hillary Clinton Is Not Going to Be the Democratic Nominee in 2020Mark Penn and Andrew Stein are indulging the new Republican vice of HRC2020 porn.
  17. 2018 midterms
    The Toxic Cycle That Keeps Republicans Focused on Culture WarTrump’s staunching his party’s losses by revving up its culture-obsessed base. That will make this strategy even more central in the future.
  18. 2018 midterms
    Republicans Could Increase Their Senate Majority at MidtermsEven if there’s a Democratic “wave” sweeping the House, a favorable landscape could win Republicans Senate gains.
  19. politics
    Kamala Harris Is Building a Network for Black Candidates“My mother used to tell me, ‘Kamala, you may be the first to do many things. Make sure you are not the last.’”
  20. 2020 election
    Gillibrand Rules Out 2020 Presidential RunJust like Obama in 2006, Gillibrand pledged to serve her full term as senator.
  21. 2020 election
    It’s Time for Michael Avenatti to Go AwayYeah, he’s made his point, Democrats need to toughen up. But they aren’t and shouldn’t be clueless enough to nominate him for president.
  22. bernie sanders
    Sanders Makes a Strong Case Against the Saudis (and for Bernie 2020)Foreign policy gave Bernie Sanders’s last presidential campaign nothing but headaches. Now, it’s giving his next one a reason for being.
  23. democratic party
    Gavin Newsom Has More Important Things to Do Than Run for PresidentThe next governor of California is preparing to fight Trump and show off his state as a laboratory for progressive policies — including single-payer.
  24. 2020 election
    What Is Tulsi Gabbard Fighting For?The war veteran and Democratic congresswoman is a rising star for progressives. But her views on foreign policy illustrate a dilemma on the left.
  25. 2020 election
    Kamala Harris Updates Obama’s Winning Strategy for 2020Twelve years after Obama’s breakthrough, it’s unclear Harris can emulate it given a giant field and polarized politics.
  26. 2020 election
    Trump Has Already Raised More Than $100 Million for 2020Democrats have a lot of catching up to do.
  27. race
    Elizabeth Warren’s Native American Ancestry Was Never Really the PointThe senator and presidential hopeful probably didn’t convince Trump or her critics — but she did validate damaging conservative narratives about race.
  28. 2018 midterms
    Democratic House, Republican Senate Now the Likeliest Midterm ScenarioHere’s what a newly divided government would mean.
  29. Amy Coney Barrett Looks Like a Future Trump SCOTUS PickBarrett made a strong impression on Donald Trump, who can just see her and her large family at a photo op announcing a future SCOTUS nomination.
  30. Last Resort: How Maine Democrats Can Save Roe v. WadeBeating on Senate Democrats to oppose Brett Kavanaugh would be divisive and wouldn’t matter anyway. Giving Susan Collins a free ride in 2020 would.
  31. Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS Confirmation Is in the GOP’s HandsThere are three Republican senators to watch. If they stay in line, nothing else matters.
  32. Democrats’ 2020 Hopefuls Refuse to Disagree (on the Midterms)With hundreds of races and candidates in play, Sanders, Warren, Biden, and the rest have not once taken different sides in a primary this year.
  33. Bracing for a Supreme Court Retirement BombshellAt the end of the term, the focus is on Kennedy, whose retirement could ignite the Senate races. But Thomas’s exit might spark a battle in the GOP.
  34. Report: Michael Bloomberg Is, Once Again, Thinking of Running for PresidentThis time as a Democrat.
  35. SCOTUS Punts Again on the Question of Partisan GerrymanderingIt’s now unlikely the Supremes will clarify any limitations on using redistricting for blatantly partisan purposes until the eve of 2020.
  36. The House Is in Play in 2018, But the Senate’s the Big PrizeIf Democrats can win the upper chamber in 2018, Trump will lose much of his power. And a Democratic Senate win in 2020 is quite feasible.
  37. Trump Isn’t Very Popular in the Heartland States He Won in 2016It doesn’t look like Trump is going to be that powerful a positive factor for GOP Senate and House candidates in some key states he won in 2016.
  38. Some of Pruitt’s Allies Are Starting to Turn on HimThe ongoing ethical disaster that is EPA administrator Scott Pruitt may finally be running out of luck.
  39. Washington May Love Mitch McConnell, But His Constituents Don’tYes, the Senate Majority Leader is wily and resourceful. But his Achilles’ heel is that he cannot take reelection in Kentucky for granted.
  40. The Midterms Could Have a Big Impact on RedistrictingA majority of governors and a sizable minority of legislators who will be drawing congressional lines for the next decade will be elected this year.
  41. Sanders Announces Reelection Bid As Negative Buzz Builds About Our RevolutionMaybe the extremely popular Vermont senator should lend some of his political mojo to his national following.
  42. Actually, Pence’s Toadying Is His Best Shot at Becoming PresidentJournalist Matt Bai tries to make the case that Pence has no future in presidential politics. That’s likely wrong.
  43. Trump Can Win in 2020. But History Tells Us It Won’t Be Easy.Yes, incumbents usually have an advantage. They usually are more popular than Donald J. Trump though.
  44. GOP Lawmakers: It’s ‘Too Early’ to Back Trump in 2020These quotes could lead to some tweets.
  45. Bernie’s Criticisms Don’t Mean Democrats Are in DisarraySanders is and has always been a gadfly. So his criticisms of the Democratic Party don’t mean it’s fatally divided.
  46. Mark Cuban Has Little Chance of Becoming a Third-Party PresidentTrump’s way — winning over one of the two major parties — is probably the only way to the White House for a rich celebrity “outsider.”
  47. A Democratic Wave in the Midterms Could Expose Trump to a 2020 Primary ChallengeTrump stands athwart the GOP like a colossus right now. But like him, his party doesn’t like losers.
  48. Why Are Trump’s Approval Ratings on the Rise?He’s more popular now than he was in December — even if that’s not saying much.
  49. How We Can Get a More Equal UnionFifty years since the Kerner Commission’s landmark study of racial inequality, we face similar problems. The issue lies in how we talk about equality.
  50. Here’s a 2020 Biden Strategy: Stay Home, Joe!Joe Biden’s mulling a lot of unusual strategies for 2020. He might just want to stay home and hope for a draft.
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