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2020 Presidential Election

  1. 2020 presidential election
    There’s a New, Improved Iowa Democratic CaucusThe new rules make it possible to participate by a “virtual caucus” and require an actual straw poll of all caucus participants.
  2. 2020 presidential election
    Looks Like the 2020 Democratic Presidential Field Could Be the Largest EverIn the past, very large presidential fields have produced unusual results, and more often than not, defeat.
  3. 2020 presidential election
    Biden and Sanders Have a Lot of Fans in CommonThe two men may represent different poles of the Democratic Party, but in part thanks to name ID, a lot of voters like both of them.
  4. 2020 presidential election
    Joe Biden May Be the Last Hurrah for Moderate DemocratsBarring a Biden nomination, the time seems ripe for progressives to take the wheel in the Democratic Party, and for moderates to fall in line.
  5. 2020 presidential election
    Report: Senator Amy Klobuchar’s Staff Mistreatment Goes Back a DecadeIt’s unclear how much fallout this will create for Klobuchar, who promoted the self-branding “Minnesota Nice” in her memoir The Senator Next Door.
  6. 2020 presidential election
    Report: Likely Presidential Candidate Klobuchar Mistreated Her StaffDo rumors about her conduct toward staff reflect sexist double standards, or evidence that’s she not so Minnesota Nice?
  7. 2020 presidential election
    Kamala Harris’s 2020 Launch Creates Nice Polling BuzzThe Californian is off to a good initial start in what will be a tough 2020 contest.
  8. howard schultz
    Howard Schultz Wants a President Who Will Tell Billionaires Their Favorite LiesThe mogul is sick of the left’s impossible promises. Which is why he’s promising that we can reduce inequality without raising taxes on the rich.
  9. the national interest
    Kamala Harris: Eliminate Private Health Insurance. That’s a Huge Political Risk.A very worthy ambition that could really hurt in a general election.
  10. howard schultz
    Even Trump May Think That Howard Schultz Is Good for His ReelectionOn Monday, Trump reportedly said that a Howard Schultz candidacy would be good for his 2020 chances, as hecklers jabbed at the former Starbucks CEO.
  11. tales from the trail
    Democratic Ex-Presidents Expected to Sit Out 2020 PrimariesBut they are taking meetings … Also: Gillibrand talks to potential big-money donors and Beto gets signs from potential high-profile supporters.
  12. vision 2020
    Elizabeth Warren to Propose Spreading the Wealth AroundA 70 percent tax on incomes over $10 million isn’t cool. You know what’s cool? A 2 percent tax on the wealth of the super-rich.
  13. the democrats
    Advice to Reformed ‘Tough on Crime’ Democrats: Be HonestJoe Biden and Kamala Harris built their careers on crime and punishment. The reckoning should be honest rather than politically expedient.
  14. 2020 presidential election
    2020 Candidates Carry Heavy Baggage, and Trump Is Sure to Exploit ThatToday’s harsh intraparty criticism, most recently aimed at Kamala Harris, will become fodder for Trump’s war on his eventual 2020 opponent.
  15. 2020 elections
    The 2020 Presidential Race Is Starting to Get RealPretty soon some of the pretenders to the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination are going to be exposed — or ignored into oblivion.
  16. 2020 presidential election
    What ‘Lanes’ Will the 2020 Democratic Candidates Run In?In a field this large and complicated, it will be tempting to imagine sub-primaries to winnow the numbers. But it may not work out that way.
  17. 2020 presidential election
    Single-Issue Presidential Candidates Like Jay Inslee Are RareInslee says he’ll only talk about climate change. That will make his identity clear, but it’s not an approach that’s likely to win.
  18. 2020 presidential election
    Warning to Beto-Maniacs: Early Presidential Buzz Can Be an Omen or an IllusionBeto O’Rourke is looking very good as a 2020 presidential prospect. But others have looked just as good and have quickly flamed out or failed to run.
  19. encounter
    Sherrod Brown Has a Blueprint for America 2020Is looking this rumpled a path to the presidency?
  20. 2020 presidential election
    7 House Members Are Eyeing a ’20 Presidential Bid. History Says It’s a Long ShotIt’s been a long time — 140 years, to be exact — since someone has gone from the House to the White House.
  21. 2018 midterms
    Heartland Heartburn Grows for Republicans in Gubernatorial RacesThe very region that did so much to make Trump president is moving away from his party in the midterms.
  22. 2020 presidential election
    Is Chaotic 2020 the Right Time for Democrats to Neuter Superdelegates?It makes sense to let voters rather than superdelegates control presidential nominations. But 2020 could be the exception that proves the rule.
  23. politics
    Elizabeth Warren Is Waging a Full-Body Fight to Defeat TrumpThe Massachusetts senator has emerged in the past few weeks as the de facto leader of the Democratic Party, and the candidate-of-the-moment for 2020.
  24. Where Do ‘Centrist’ Democrats Turn in 2020?Joe Biden is the obvious favorite for those who aren’t crazy about the progressive drift of the party. But if he doesn’t run, then what?
  25. Democrats Need an Unbreakable Presidential Candidate in 2020Forget “electability,” which is often hard to measure. Democrats should focus on uniting behind a 2020 candidate with no big weaknesses.
  26. Why the Rock Isn’t Going to Run for President. At Least, Not in 2020.Dwayne Johnson is only 46, though, so his future political prospects look bright if he can only find time on his schedule.
  27. Schneiderman Shows It’s Risky to Choose a Male CandidateThe New York attorney general’s swift fall from champion of #MeToo to example of #MeToo fate is another warning to people in politics.
  28. CA Voters Keep Accidentally Joining George Wallace’s Zombie Political PartyTwo years after many thousands of would-be Democratic primary voters discovered they were affiliated with a right-wing party, the confusion continues.
  29. Oprah May Run for President After All — If God Tells Her ToWaiting for a sign from the almighty can be perilous, but probably not for Oprah.
  30. Berniecrats Endorse Kucinich, Bernie Keeps His DistanceIf Sanders’s supporters go one way and he goes another in a key 2018 race, what does that say about 2020?
  31. Governor Kasich’s Anti-Trumpism Has Made Him Radioactive for Ohio RepublicansOhio’s GOP gubernatorial candidates fear conservative, Trump-loving voters too much to snuggle up to their current governor.
  32. Kerry 2020 and the Reign of the GerontocratsKerry is definitely a blast from the past, but deserves a hearing as much as any other septuagenarian.