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Approval Ratings

  1. Will the Border Crisis Actually Affect Trump’s Popularity?So far the biggest week of outrage spurred by the Trump presidency doesn’t seem to be affecting his approval ratings.
  2. Trump Isn’t Very Popular in the Heartland States He Won in 2016It doesn’t look like Trump is going to be that powerful a positive factor for GOP Senate and House candidates in some key states he won in 2016.
  3. Washington May Love Mitch McConnell, But His Constituents Don’tYes, the Senate Majority Leader is wily and resourceful. But his Achilles’ heel is that he cannot take reelection in Kentucky for granted.
  4. Trump Thinks He’s Wildly PopularIn Trump’s world, any adverse information about his standing is “fake,” and even positive polls don’t capture his tremendous standing.
  5. Why Are Trump’s Approval Ratings on the Rise?He’s more popular now than he was in December — even if that’s not saying much.
  6. Trump Says His Approval Rate Is Near 50 Percent. It Is Not.No matter how you measure it, the president is just making stuff up.
  7. Trump Being Trump Seems to Make Him Less PopularThe GOP has an unusually acute problem in mobilizing a party base that glories in Trumpian outrages, without frightening the rest of the country.
  8. In 49 States, Trump Is Even Less Popular Now Than When He Was InauguratedThe president’s doing better in the polls lately. But overall, his popularity since taking office has been in a long slide.
  9. Chris Christie’s Hard-Earned Unpopularity Is His Most Enduring LegacyChris Christie thinks the failure of his presidential campaign tanked his popularity back home. It’s more like the other way around.
  10. The GOP’s Biggest Problem Is Not Its Candidates, But Its PresidentTrump can’t accept that he is damaging his party down-ballot. And that could send his party off in search of illusory “fixes.”
  11. Trump Proud of Poll Showing Most Americans Think He’s a Lying SexistTo be fair, the poll also shows that most Americans disapprove of the job he’s doing as president.
  12. Trump’s Talent for Remaining Unpopular Amid Economic Growth Is Truly ImpressiveLast month, the unemployment rate hit a 16-year low — and the president’s approval rating fell to 39 percent.
  13. Trump’s Approval Ratings: How Low Can They Go?The answer could swing the midterm election.
  14. Will the Economy Save Trump and His Party?So much of this presidency is a mess that the idea of him or the GOP making a comeback seems far-fetched. But then there’s the economy.
  15. Trump Is Really, Really Unpopular With Young PeopleTrump’s approval rating among seniors and near-seniors is meh. Among under-30 folks, it’s reaching new lows.
  16. Trump’s Loss of Support Is Where He Can Least Afford ItAn analysis of approval data shows Trump struggling with college-educated white voters, and even with his blue-collar “base,” in battleground states.
  17. Chris Christie on His Record-Low Approval Rating: ‘Who Cares?’“You guys care much more about that stuff than I do,” he told reporters.
  18. Trump’s Voters Don’t Agree That the Russia Probe Is a ‘Witch Hunt’A plurality of Republicans think the special counsel’s investigation is “impartial” — and 75 percent don’t want Trump to fire Robert Mueller.
  19. Trump’s Approval Rating Hits Yet Another LowA majority of voters say Trump is dishonest and a bad leader, according to a Quinnipiac University poll.
  20. Trump Is the Least Popular President-elect in Modern American HistoryA new Pew poll shows just 41 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s transition efforts. In 2009, 71 percent approved of Obama’s.
  21. Everybody Hates Chris ChristieTh New Jersey governor has the lowest rating ever in a Quinnipiac University poll.
  22. Obama’s Job Approval Rating Double That of W.’s at Same Point in Second TermIn an era of perceived equivalence between the two parties, we sometimes forget Obama’s leaving office in much better shape than his predecessor did.
  23. thanks obama
    Obama Approval Rating Hits 3-Year HighYou don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.
  24. congress
    Congress Goes on Recess, Gets Popularity BoostAdd more vacation days, ASAP!
  25. approval ratings
    Some People Like the Supreme Court Less This Week Than They Did Last WeekWhat could have happened?
  26. approval ratings
    Gas Prices Up, Obama’s Approval Rating Way DownBad news bears for Barry Obama.
  27. cuomolot
    Cuomo Hits Poll High Post-IreneHis 66 percent approval rating is an all-time high.
  28. nypd
    Why Isn’t Ray Kelly’s Job Approval Rating Lower?Inquiring minds want to know.
  29. obama
    Obama’s Approval Rating Hits New Low, AgainDipping into the thirties.
  30. cathie black
    Cathie Black Has a Dismal Approval RatingNobody likes her!