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  1. Donald Trump’s Rainbow Coalition of BigotsFirst, Trump won the endorsement of a KKK grand wizard. Now the Nation of Islam leader praises the mogul’s efforts to get Jewish money out of politics.
  2. S.C. State Senator Rants About Gay Marriage “The devil is taking control of this land!”
  3. bigots
    Barilla Pasta to Gay People: Eat Something Else“If the gays do not agree, they can always eat pasta from another manufacturer.”
  4. Fox News Host Constantly Looking for New Reasons to Ban MosquesHere is a brief history. 
  5. the sports section
    John Rocker’s Reddit AMA Went About As Well As You’d Expect“If you weren’t gay you would call yourself David.”
  6. Guy Calls Gay Person a Faggot, Gets Chased DownHere’s the video.
  7. under pressure
    Lowe’s Pulls Ads From TV Show All-American MuslimBecause the show is “propaganda.”
  8. mariage equality
    Michigan Mayor Lost Love for NYC When ‘Queers’ Started Getting MarriedAn old Facebook update has led to calls for her resignation.
  9. bigots
    NOM Gets Revenge on Iowa Supreme CourtThis apparently tastes very sweet.
  10. cable-stained wretches
    Rick Sanchez Promotes Jon Stewart From ‘Bigot’ to ‘Classiest Guy in the World’Sanchez talks about the chip on his shoulder.