Displaying all articles tagged:

Civil Unions

  1. catholic church
    What Does the Pope’s Support for Civil Unions Really Mean?It’s unclear whether he’s blurring the line against same-sex marriage or drawing it more clearly.
  2. gays
    Rhode Island Senate Approves Same-Sex Civil UnionsGovernor Lincoln Chafee says he’s likely to sign the bill.
  3. the donald
    Does Donald Trump Support Civil Unions or Not?Depends on the day.
  4. equal rites
    Hawaii Lets Its Rainbow Flag FlyCivil unions approved, and an openly gay judge appointed.
  5. aloha
    Hawaii to Pass Same-Sex Civil Unions?Hawaii’s governor-elect Neil Abercrombie could make that state even more fun.
  6. equal rites
    Linda Lingle Didn’t Want to Have to Decide About Same-Sex Civil Unions in HawaiiSo she vetoed the bill before her.
  7. equal rites
    New York Is More Than Happy to Break Up Your Civil UnionIt’s the least it can do.
  8. neighborhood news
    Gay Couple Kicked Out of Cab for HuggingIn the East Village, no less!