Displaying all articles tagged:

Crazy People

  1. crazy people
    North Korea May Have Tested Components of a Hydrogen BombPyongyang may even believe the January 6 test was the real deal (but it probably wasn’t).
  2. crazy people
    New Mexico Man Kills His Friend After Binge-Watching The Walking DeadHis friend allegedly tried to bite him.
  3. crazy people
    Glenn Beck Sorry for ‘Mistakes’ That Made Him Rich and Famous“I think I played a role, unfortunately, in helping tear the country apart.”
  4. crazy people
    Wallenda’s Proposed Skyscraper Walk Won’t Get Off the GroundHe said he won’t violate the law.
  5. crazy people
    Ron Paul Suggests Edward Snowden Might Be Killed in a Drone StrikeNot likely.
  6. bummers
    Bus Ride From Atlantic City Gets Even WorseThanks to a crazy person.
  7. photo op
    Woman Steals Train, Plows It Into ApartmentsWe doubt the photo was her intent, but it really is cool.
  8. crazy people
    Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Arrives in New York for the UN General AssemblyAnd receives a touching welcome from the Post.
  9. crazy people
    Flying Dutchman Uses Custom Birdwings to Soar Over the HagueHe gets almost as emotional as the Double Rainbow dude.
  10. crazy people
    Man Runs Onto Tarmac at LaGuardia AirportNot a smart thing to do, really.
  11. air travel
    People Went Crazy on Airplanes YesterdayPlease stop doing that.
  12. air travel
    Continental Passengers Subdue Crazed Man Who Tries to Open Door Mid-FlightRemember this the next time a flight attendant asks you if you are able to assist in the exit row.
  13. the sports section
    Unstoppable Love for Cameron Diaz Caused Man to Run Onto Field During Yankees GameGrim LeRogue has issues.
  14. animanhattan
    Exotic-Pet Owners Take a Laissez-faire Approach to Their Wild AnimalsWhy would someone need accident insurance for a black bear?
  15. catching the viral virus
    A Foolproof Guide to Going ViralTarget audience: bored office workers.
  16. health carnage
    Bart Stupak Threatened in the Most Insane, Creative WaysHow did they come up with these crazy voice messages?
  17. early and often
    Skinheads Hoping to Assassinate Obama FoiledTwo angry kids hoped to shoot or decapitate 102 non-Caucasians, ending their spree by going after the presidential candidate.
  18. letter from hell
    Hey, Jeffrey ToobinThere’s someone who’d like to get in touch with you.
  19. intel
    Cops: Samurai Guy’s Wife ‘Kind of Shocked’ to Hear of His PlanA Daily Intel *special* investigation.
  20. Brooklyn Man Hires Hit Man to Cut Off Wife’s Hand With Samurai SwordFigures it’s the best possible way to get the ring back.
  21. in other news
    New ‘Gossip Girl’ Blog Discovers Lost Artifacts of BrillianceAnd we heave a sigh of relief that we may not be the most weirdly obsessed blog out there.
  22. it just happened
    Paul McCartney Is Still Rich; Heather Mills Is Still Crazy A U.K. judge has just awarded Heather Mills around $50 million of Paul McCartney’s money, enough to keep her in golden legs for a lifetime. You think she’d be pleased about this, right? But no! Immediately after the proceedings, Mills stalked down the steps of the London court and complained to the press that the judge said that McCartney was worth £400 million when “everyone knows he’s worth £800 over the last fifteen years.” Then she announced she would contest the decision to make the settlement figures public, which she said Paul had insisted on doing. “He has always wanted it public because he wants to make it look like he is … generous,” she ranted, because apparently nothing will make her happy and she will never go away ever. UPDATE: From CNN: “The judgment included 35,000 pounds ($70,000) a year for the couple’s 4-year-old daughter, Beatrice. Mills said she was unhappy with that amount because it isn’t enough for school tuition, private security, or first-class airfare. ‘He likes her to fly five times a year on holiday,” Mills said of McCartney. “It’s 17,000 (pounds) for two people return (round-trip) first class, so that’s obviously not meant to happen for her anymore. It’s very sad.’” Because obviously that can’t come out of the $50 million. Judge Awards Heather Mills £24.3 Million in Divorce Ruling [Times UK] Related: Intel’s Weird Obsession With Crazy Heather Mills