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  1. speeches
    Everyone Loves This Emotional Monica Lewinsky Speech on Sexism and Cyberbullying“I was Patient Zero: The first person to have their reputation completely destroyed, wordwide, via the internet.”
  2. very sad things
    Impossibly Tragic Tween Suicide Blamed on CyberbullyingA Queens 12-year-old hanged herself.
  3. school daze
    Cuomo Signs Cyberbullying Law, Horrible New York Kids Put on NoticeThink twice before you send that nasty tweet.
  4. school daze
    New York Kids to Maybe Face Consequences for Being Terrible to Each Other OnlineIf a teacher or someone finds out about it, that is.
  5. the internet
    Is Reddit Being Scared Straight for Encouraging a ‘Suicide’?There’s a strange, tragic tale developing in a dark corner of the Internet.
  6. cyberbullying
    Staten Island Teen Suicide Leads to More Facebook AwfulnessEven the adults are involved.
  7. intel
    Hey, Upper East Siders, Leave Your ‘Lashon Hara’ at Home, Mmmkay?Leave Gossip Girl at home, say area Jewish schools. They’re going back to the Bible to crack down on queen bees and rumormongers.