Displaying all articles tagged:

Donald Graham

  1. ink-stained wretches
    Washington Post, Wealth DestroyerNo wonder everyone’s jumping ship.
  2. gossipmonger
    Somebody Get Jerry Seinfeld’s Cars Off the RoadJerry has more car trouble, Cindy Adams takes the stand, and Shelley Ross gets the last cackle in today’s roundup of all the dish from New York’s gossip columns.
  3. company town
    Did ‘The New Yorker’ Rip One of Its Cartoons Off ‘The Far Side’?MEDIA • OMG, plagiarism in The New Yorker’s cartoon issue? [Gelf] • Washington Post chief Don Graham has 300 Facebook friends. Poke away! [Washingtonian] • Fox 9’s license is up for renewal, and a bunch of incensed New Jerseyans are fighting the station for failing to live up to its Jersey-side obligations. After all, the channel is based out of Secaucus but bills itself as “My9 New York.” [NYT]